Many current and future college students need help to pay for college. Especially with tuition rates going up every year, students are looking for ways to pay for their college eduction.
Student loans may be a necessity, but there are other sources of funding that will help pay for school. ...
Most Recent Articles For: Education & Business
Written by admin on August 15th, 2011
Written by admin on August 14th, 2011
Still struggling to pay off the college loan? Have you disconnected your cell phone just to avoid those darn creditors? Need a quick get rich scheme? Well maybe not that but in this article you will find some practical ways on saving money while attending your post secondary institution.
College ...
Written by admin on August 12th, 2011
What if someone came up to you and offered you $5000 to attend college? Or after college, what if someone called you and asked if you wanted a couple thousand dollars to pay off some student loans? The obvious answer is, Where do I sign up? But, the truth is ...
Written by admin on August 11th, 2011
Most online colleges require their students to work together in teams to fulfill their coursework obligations. Many other online programs have similar requirements. Contrary to a popular myth about going to school online, you won't be working on your education alone and isolated.
Education professionals often group online students by geographical ...
Written by admin on August 10th, 2011
Plagiarism has been condemned lately by all types of experts, including scholars, university board members and even commercial parties, such as TurnItIn, which sells plagiarism detection software righteously claiming that plagiarism should be combated through the most efficient and up to date tools.
Well, if such company ever reaches its ultimate ...
Written by admin on August 10th, 2011
You may not miss eating Ramen noodles everyday, but you are doing yourself a huge disservice if you have completely forgotten every aspect of the student lifestyle. Students learned and studied everyday - something that is essential for you to do if you want to be on top of your ...
Written by admin on August 9th, 2011
If you run a home business, you know that budgets can be pretty tight. Saving money wherever possible can be the difference between the business that succeeds and the one that fails. This article represents a broad survey of things you can do, from consolidating your student loans to getting ...
Written by admin on August 6th, 2011
The idea of a business plan competition first started in the 1980's at the initiative of some MBA students from Texas and has increasingly gained popularity. Such events happen yearly and rejoice a great affluence of contestants, which highly increases their competitiveness.
Business plan competitions are student entrepreneur events. The contests ...