Various streams of education and their parameters in Astrology

Written by admin on November 26th, 2010


MEDICINE/ SURGERY/ PHARMACY: As usual, since ‘Medicine’ is an application-oriented field, there must at first be some inter-relationship with the 4th- and 5th- houses and/ or their lords (or such a relationship should be found between any other angular and trinal houses). The Ascendant-lord situated in the 9th or the 9th-lord situated in the Ascendant, or if these two lords are conjoined together or aspect each other, then it may and can induce the interest in the native’s mind for studying medicine.?

The Moon denotes medicines; so the Moon should have some connection with the 4th- or 5th- or 9th- or 10th- houses (and/ or the respective lords). Since the 6th-house indicates the ‘disease’, and the 11th-house indicates the ‘cure’, if the 4th-house and/ or it’s lord is/ are connected with the 6th-house or the 6th-lord or the 11th-house or the 11th-lord, then a person is very much likely to be interested to study medicine. The 8th-house indicates accidental mishaps, serious injuries, danger to life, etc. So, the connection of the 8th-house and/ or 8th-lord may take one to Surgery.?

Since the purpose of studying medicine is for saving life, the significator for life — Jupiter — should be well-placed, and should be free from serious affliction. However, if Jupiter is debilitated, and it is in close conjunction with Mars (exalted) or Saturn (own-sign) , then it may rather be an advantageous factor for studying medicine. But if Jupiter is situated very close to Sun (that is, becoming badly combust), then it is very much likely to be a handicap.?

Since good academic proficiency is a pre-requisite, Mercury should be well-placed and/ or the 4th-house (or the 5th-house) should be strong (that is, the lord of the house-sign should be in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-nakshatra; or a planet having similar strength should remain in the house). As the course requires clearing an entrance examination, the presence of a natural malefic planet in the 6th (or in the 3rd or in the 11th) will be very desired. If good academic proficiency and/ or capacity to successfully clear the competitive entrance examination are/ is not indicated in the chart, then it can take one to the next level — like Pharmacy.?

The close conjunction of the Sun and Ketu are often found in the charts of medical men. If the Sun is stronger than Mars, then the stream may be medicine proper; but if Mars is a stronger and if it is found to exert more influences, then the native may take up Surgery. The close conjunction of Rahu takes one to Anesthesia. Similarly placed Saturn may take one to orthopedics or pathology. The modifying influences of various planets and also those of various signs will have to be checked for the purpose of ascertaining the probable specific areas of specialization.?

ENGINEERING/ TECHNOLOGY: As usual, since ‘Engineering/ Technology’ are application-oriented fields, there must at first be some inter-relationship with the 4th- and 5th- houses and/ or their lords (or such a relationship should be found between any other angular and trinal houses). The combined influence of Mars and Saturn leads one to study of Engineering and/ or Technology. As such, the combinations can be : (i) Mars and Saturn conjoined together, or (ii) Mars aspecting Saturn, or (iii) Saturn aspecting Mars.?

If Mars is exalted or debilitated, and is in conjunction with Saturn, the possibility of Engineering becomes more in comparison; if Mars aspects Saturn, then also it induces the inclination of taking up the study of Engineering. If Venus is in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-nakshatra, or is conjoined with or aspected by Jupiter, then the chances of taking up Engineering is considerably increased.?

Similarly, if Saturn is exalted or debilitated, and is in conjunction with Mars, the possibility of Technology becomes more in comparison; if Saturn aspects Mars, then also it induces the inclination of taking up the study of Technology. If Venus is neither in exaltation nor in own-sign nor in own-nakshatra, and is conjoined with or aspected by Saturn, then the chances of taking up Technology is considerably increased.?

COMPUTER EDUCATION: The strength of Mercury is the prime indicator; if Mercury is in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-nakshatra, and it is situated in the 4th- or 5th- or 8th- or 9th- or 10th- or 11th- houses, then it will be an asset. Ketu is the co-significator. If Ketu situated in sign Scorpio or in own-nakshatra, or is situated in any of the above-mentioned houses (4th- or 5th- or 8th- or 9th- or 10th- or 11th-), then it will be an added advantage.?

Mars is the significator for “Programming”. If Mars is situated in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-nakshatra, or is situated in any of the above-mentioned houses (4th- or 5th- or 8th- or 9th- or 10th- or 11th-), or is situated in the Ascendant, then one may and can become a good programmer.?

Venus is the significator for “Graphic Design”. If Venus is situated in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-nakshatra, or is situated in any of the above-mentioned houses (4th- or 5th- or 8th- or 9th- or 10th- or 11th-), or is situated in the Ascendant, then one may and can be a good graphic designer.?

If the 8th-lord is situated in the Ascendant or the 10th-house or the 5th-house, or aspects any of these houses, or is conjoined with the lord of any of these houses, then the person is very much likely to have some connection with programming and designing of software related to subjects like Astrology.?

SCIENCE SUBJECTS: The third- and the sixth- houses denote the science subjects, and the natural malefic planets Mars, Saturn and Rahu are the significators. Of course, at least one of these should preferably have some connection with Mercury — which is the natural significator for general education. Out of Mars and Saturn, if one is the influencing planet — that is, the planet is the the 3rd-lord or the 6th-lord, or is situated in the 3rd-house or in the 6th-house, while the other is the lord of the 4th-lord or the 5th-lord or is placed in the 4th-house or the 5th-house, and both are influencing each other by conjunction or aspect, or one of them is influencing the other by aspect while the other is influencing the 3rd-lord or the 6th-lord by conjunction or aspect, then study of Science subjects are indicated.?

Saturn denotes Physics, Mars denotes Chemistry, while Mercury denotes Mathematics. If Saturn is stronger, or is influencing Mercury by conjunction or aspect, then stress is laid more on Physics; if Mars is stronger, or is influencing Mercury by conjunction or aspect, then stress is laid more on Chemistry; if Neither of these two planets (Saturn and Mars) influences Mercury, then stress might be laid more on Mathematics. Rahu denotes poisonous chemicals; as such, if Rahu is in the 4th-house or in the 5th-house or is connected with the 4th-lord or the 5th-lord or with Mars, then possibility of having higher study in Chemistry becomes more. If the influence of Saturn is absent, but that of Jupiter is present, then there is possibility of studying Bio-Science (Zoology and Botany).?

ARTS SUBJECTS : Mercury and Venus, are the significator planets for Arts Subjects; to some extent, the Moon is also so. If one of these two planets (Mercury or Venus) becomes the lord of the 4th-, or 5th-, or 9th- or 10th- house, while another of these two is situated in any of these houses will impart much of interest in Arts Subjects. If Venus is situated in the 4th- or 5th- or 10th- house, and is conjoined with- or involved in sign-exchange or nakshatra-exchange or term- exchange with any natural benefic planet (Mercury or Moon or Jupiter), then also there will be great interest in studying Arts Subjects. If Mercury and Venus are conjoined together, or if Mercury is in conjunction with the Moon, or if Venus is in conjunction with the Moon, then also some special interest in Arts Subjects is signified.?

LANGUAGE/ LITERATURE: Mercury and Jupiter are the significator planets for Language and Literature. If one of these two planets becomes the lord of the 4th-, or 5th-, or 9th- or 10th- house, while another of these two is situated in any of these houses will impart much of interest in Language and Literature. If Jupiter is situated in the 4th- or 5th- or 10th- house, and is conjoined with- or involved in sign-exchange or nakshatra-exchange or term- exchange with any natural benefic planet (Mercury or Moon or Venus), then also there will be great interest in studying Language/ Lterature. If Mercury and Jupiter are conjoined together, or if Mercury is in conjunction with the Moon, then also some special interest in Language/ Literature is signified.?

LAW: The sign Libra denotes the Law-Court, and the natural significators are Venus and Jupiter. If either of these two planets are the lord of 4th-, or 5th-, or 9th-, or 10th- house, or is situated in any of these houses, while these two planets are in conjunction, or opposition, or in mutually 6/ 8 position, then the person might be interested in studying Law.?

The mutual sign-exchange, or nakshatra-exchange between Jupiter and Venus gives much of interest in studying Law. If such mutual exchange is found between the 5th-lord and the 7th-lord, or between the 5th-lord and the 10th-lord, or between the 7th-lord and the 10th-lord, then also the person might be grossly interested in studying Law.?

If the 6th-lord or the 8th-lord is situated in own-house, or either of these two lords is involved in sign-exchange or nakshatra-exchange with any other planet, then also there might be some interest in studying Law. If in this combination, Mars or Venus becomes the 6th-lord, or either of these two planets is situated in the 6th-house, then there could be some connection with Civil Law-suits; but if in this combination, Mars or Venus becomes the 8th-lord instead, or either of these two planets is situated in the 8th-house, then there could be some connection with Crime and/ or Criminal proceedings.?

If the Sun or Saturn is in opposition with Mars, or if either of these two planets are involved in “square” aspect with Mars, then there could be some interest in studying Law, or for gathering information about legal matters — as the person may face law-suit in connection with Property-Matters. If the 11th-lord is situated in the 4th-house, or if the 4th-lord is situated in the 11th-house, while a natural malefic planet is also situated in the 4th-house (or in the 11th-house), then also the indications could be quite similar in nature.?

If the 7th-lord and the 8th-lord are involved in sign-exchange or nakshatra-exchange, then there is some possibility of having legal problems with marriage-partner, or business-partner, or the marriage-partner of the second child. If Rahu and Ketu are involved in nakshatra-exchange, then also the indications might be similar.?

COMMERCE SUBJECTS: Mercury denotes transaction (and accounting) and the Moon denotes public connections. Any of these two planets situated in the 7th-house, while the other is having relationship with any of the major education- or profession- related houses (the 4th-, or the 5th- or the 10th-) may take one to commerce. The conjunction of the Moon and Mercury in any of these houses, or if one is situated while the other is aspecting, then also the native may be interested in commerce subjects. If Jupiter or Venus is also involved, then it confers comparatively higher rank and status. But if Saturn is involved instead, then the education leads one to a job, which involves responsibility and subordination — with less remuneration.?

ACCOUNTANCY: More commonly, the sign Virgo (and less commonly, the sign Gemini) is found to be important in the charts of Accountants; since the profession involves the connection with pen-and-paper, it’s natural significator is Mercury. Jupiter or Venus (as they are the planets of abundance) is often connected with either of these signs or with their lord Mercury — by conjunction or aspect. These planets should also certain inter-connection with the main education- or profession- related houses (the 4th-, or the 5th-, or the 10th-). Since Accountancy is also an application-oriented field, some sort of inter-relationship between the angular- (kendra) and trinal- (trikona) houses will be a very advantageous and supporting factor. But as the job involves more of responsibilty, and less of authority, Saturn’s influence is frequently found to be present, and that of Mars is more often found to be absent.?

AGRICULTURE: The signs Cancer and Aquarius, and the planets Moon and Saturn have much to do with Agriculture. If Saturn and Moon are in conjunction in sign Aquarius, then a possibility is indicated. Earthy signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are also found to have some connection pretty often; any of these signs or their lords becoming inter-connected by conjunction or aspect, and also having certain inter-connection with the main education- or profession- related houses (the 4th-, or the 5th-, or the 10th-). Since Agriculture is also an application-oriented field, some sort of inter-relationship between the angular- (kendra) and trinal- (trikona) houses will be a very advantageous and supporting factor.?

ASTROLOGY: Mercury is the natural significator; it should be strong (i.e., in exaltation, or in own-sign, or in own-nakshatra); it should also be conjoined with- or in involved in mutual aspect with the 8th-lord — as Astrology is signified mainly by the 8th-house. The 5th-house should be strong; the 5th-lord should be situated in the 5th-house, or aspecting the same. The connection of Rahu or Ketu with the planet Mercury, and with these houses (the 5th-house or the 8th-house) and/ or their lords (the 5th-lord and the 8th-lord) is very desirable.?

The BAV-strength of Mercury in it’s own placement-sign in it’s own BAV (>= 4 dots) is advantageous. If Ketu is situated in the 5th-house or aspects it, it is conjoined with Mercury or the 5th-lord or the 8th-lord, and in Mercury’s BAV, it obtains at least 3 dots in it’s placement-sign, the combination may be said to be complete; these will make the ground ready in all respects for making one an Astrologer.?

If Jupiter is situated in the 10th-house, conjoined with the 2nd-lord or the Moon, or aspecting the 2nd-lord or the Moon, then one can acquire great proficiency in Astrology. As Saturn is the significator for patience, perseverance, concentration, etc, Saturn’s conjunction with Jupiter or the Moon or the 2nd-lord, or it’s aspect falling on any of them may not at all be an unwelcome factor; it may rather be favourable for improving the propensities. If in the above combination, Jupiter is the 2nd-lord itself, then it will make the person a great speaker, who will receive invitation from the dignitaries for giving lectures in assemblies.?

If Mercury is strong (i.e., in exaltation, or in own-sign, or in own-nakshatra), or is situated in the 4th-house or the 5th-house (or aspects any of these two houses), while the 8th-lord is situated in the Ascendant or aspects it, then the person will have considerable interest in Astrology — at least during sometime in his/ her life.?

If Mercury is strong (i.e., in exaltation, or in own-sign, or in own-nakshatra), or is situated in the 4th-house or the 5th-house (or aspects any of these two houses); and if the 8th-lord is situated in the 10th-house or aspects it, or is conjoined with the 10th-lord or involved in mutual aspect with it, then during sometime in his/ her life, then the person might be grossly interested in Astrology in connection with his/ her profession.?

Astrology being an typical and uncommon subject, it comes under the governance of Uranus. If Uranus is in close conjunction with the Mercury or the 10th-lord or the 5th-lord, or situated in the sign of Mercury or the 10th-lord or the 5th-lord, or situated in the nakshatra of Mercury or the 10th-lord or the 5th-lord, then the person might be grossly interested in Astrology, take up the study of this subject very seriously, and even take up the stream as his/ her main line of profession. He/ she switch over to this field between age 35 and age 49 — when Uranus in transit will be crossing over the 7th- and the 8th-house from it’s own placement.

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