Written by admin on November 22nd, 2010


1). Refinance your home and business with a local bank or credit unions so that local banks and the local community controls and benefits from your money and your labor instead of the big banks and lenders of the New World Order. Every ,000 of loans you transfer to local control takes away ,000 or more of lender power from the New World Order and gives it the local credit unions or banks in your own community. See article–“THE NEW WORLD ORDER VS THE FREE WORLD ORDER”

2). Refinance you car with your local credit union or local bank. Or better buy with cash or buy a used car instead of buying a new car. This ends your support of big businesses with your major purchases. Each 00 financed locally takes away ,000 or more from the NWO’s control and profits.

3). Cancel all large bank accounts, checking, debit accounts, and credit cards and open accounts with your local credit union or local banks instead. The NWO makes more money than most small countries from their credit card operations alone. By transferring 00 of your finances to locally controlled credit unions and banks you are taking back ,000 or more of your financial strenght you have lent to the NWO to use. Take back control of your money from the New World Order big businesses and mega banks which use the profits and power of your money for their own selfish purposes.

4).Transfer all retirement accounts such as IRAs, 401k, SEP, etc. to local credit unions and local banks. Invest conservatively in gold and silver stocks, local companies, socially responsible companies, and local banks. Invest locally with companies and people that are in your community and let them profit not big businesses and big banks which have their own agenda of world manipulation and control.

5). Rather than work for big businesses and provide them with your labor seek employment with a local small business instead. Big businesses make profits on every employee’s labor. So better to work for a small business and profit them than big businesses which are controlled by the New World Order. Companies should be a co-op or owned by the employees and not owned by big investors. Seek self-employment, socially responsible businesses, and local small businesses to profit not the NWO big businesses.

6) Support “Free Choice For All Vaccinations” and make this the law of the land. End the paperwork and the filing of red tape just to exempt you and your family from useless and harmful vaccination. Families should not be required to vaccinate their children for school nor be required to apply for exemptions under the current laws. An application for free choice against vaccinations is insane. Free choice to vaccinate or not is our right. Parents and families should not be required to apply for free choice to the government to exempt them from vaccinations. Families should not have to spend time and money to exempt them from vaccinations. God did not create defective humans that required 100 or 200 vaccinations in a lifetime. He created tonsils which do this natural daily with every breath we take. Vaccinations are unnatural acts full of toxic substances invented by the drugs companies for profits. See–“THE MYTH OF COMPULSORY IMMUNIZATIONS”.

7). Support the use of vitamin D3 supplements and natural full spectrum lighting in our schools, for the elderly, and for all people in the winter months when vitamin D3 is not produced in our bodies by sunshine. Vitamin D3 is the natural hormone-like vitamin that keeps immunity high during the winter months just as it does in Summer. The flu and viruses are a natural part of our environment and not the enemy. Low vitamin D3 which lowers immunity is the real cause or trigger of winter flu and colds. Two to four flu vaccines at each in winter are not needed and are a scam by the drug companies that promote them for profits. See article — “CURE FOR H1F1 FLU FOUND: NATURAL CURE MAKES VACCINE OBSOLETE”.

7).Support the quadrupling the minimum daily adult requirement for vitamin D3 and yearly vitamin D testing as a normal part of preventive medicine today. Vitamin D3 has been shown to reduce all cancers by 77% and lowers all major disease categories dramatically for even more benefits of health. See articles– “Vitamin D Prevents 77% of All Cancer” and “Vitamin D2 vs D3 Vs Sunlight”.

8). Support the “Proper Military Training and Usage” of the world’s armies and militaries to prevent genocide. The military should not be used to suppress or kill a country’s citizens nor used to commit genocide against unarmed soldiers or populations of other countries. Soldiers are our own sons and daughters and must be taught to resist any unlawful orders to prevent genocide and mass murder. Unlawful orders given by their commanding officers to fire upon unarmed civilians or disarmed soldiers must be met with fierce dissent by all soldiers and sargents in all military forces of the world today.

The use of demonizing language and propaganda to incite a soldier to kill will not be tolerated. A soldier must have the truth to do his job not propaganda and lies to instill a murderous hatred in their opponents. Commanders that incite their soldiers to commit genocide must be relieved quickly and prosecuted. If all else fails they must be killed or wounded by their own soldiers rather than permit the genocide and murder of civilians or soldiers to occur by their own unit. This “Proper Military Training and Usage” of the world armies and militaries to prevent genocide must become law and widely available,known, and taught to all soldiers and family members before military service.

9).Ban the World Food Code or Codex Alimentarius of the UN World Trade Organization. The Codex is due to become mandatory in December 2009 for the entire World. All nations not in compliance face severe trade penalties by all other WHO member countries of the world. This is just a blatant attempt to ban all theraputic natural supplements, herbs, vitamins, amino acids, and therapies that are the main competitors of the drug companies toxic drug therapies. Do not support the Codex Alimentarius in your country. Go online to join others to reverse this unfair law promoted by big businesses and Big Pharma. See article–“DRUG COMPANIES TAKE OVER UN WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION”.

10). End the medical monopoly of Big Pharma in America and other countries. End the regulation of alternative medicine by the FDA and local AMA societies which are hostile to alternative and complimentary medicine and the biggest competitors to their current medical practices. Alternative medicine has the safest record of any medical practice in the world and yet it is persecuted by drug companies, the FDA, and AMA which are its direct competitors. Medical doctors which choose to provide alternative medicine instead of drug therapies should not be harmed or censored by local authorities because they chose to practice medicine this way. See articles–“ALTERNATIVE ABC LOW-COST HEALTHCARE REFORM IN AMERICA” and also, “MEDICAL PRICE CONTROLS”.

11) Support the use of micro loans as the primary method of foreign aid and private aid to other countries and individuals. Micro loans made to the poorest and neediest of people are paid back at a 95% rate and can be reloan again and again to the poorest people of a country. Mega loans and military foreign aids are only for the rich and elite in a country to profit them or keep them in power. See article–“Micro Loans and the Mexican Wall”.

12). End the use of the halide chemical poisons flouride, chloride, and bromides in our food and water supply that lowers immunity, harms the thyroid gland, and promotes diseases in the general populations These chemical are used for control of populations and monetary profits by big businesses who treat the diseases they cause. Genocide is defined as anything that harms or kills people for profit. The halide poisoning of populations is an intentional genocide on a massive worldwide scale. See article–“THE HALIDE FAMILY CONSPIRACY: THE BAKER’S BREAD AND WATER”

13).Support the ban of genetically engineered foods and crops and grow and buy organic foods locally. Genetically engineered foods especially corn and soy lowers body immunity and they are the greatest worldwide experiment on mankind of all time. These genetically engineered crops can not be contained and will totally destroy the organic farms in the world with cross contamination of crops in a few years. See article–“Idiot’s Guide to 2012 Doomsday Prophecy Preparations”

14). Support the UN and UN Security Council action for radio contact and communication with the Mars Colony for support and assistance in their time of need. The Mars Colony is the last of the several million people of the ancient race which still survives today. They face extinction if not helped soon when the 24th solar maximum becomes greatest in 2012. Earth was once a colony of Mars and so most of us are also really Martians not just Earthmen. See article — “2012 THE KILLER BEES AND THE MARTIAN SURVIVORS” and “THE NEW WORLD ORDER vs THE MARS COLONY”.

15). Support the ban on irradiated foods for people and pets. Irradiated foods cause MS or multiple sclerosis symptoms in three months in cats feed irradiated foods. Our own FDA has approved an ever growing list of irradiated foods for US grocery sales and consumption. Regular preservatives have worked fine in the past but now the food industry wants to irradiate foods which creates new and toxic chemicals for all of us to enjoy–true frankenfoods of new and wonderous future delights. A company’s executives and their families might be required to test these new frankenfoods first for a year as a minimal test for safety and toxicity. But these new frankenfoods have been marketed now with absolutely no testing by the FDA which is suppose to work for us and not for big business. See article–“IRRADIATED FOODS CAUSE MS IN 3 MONTHS”.

16). Support the use of selenium supplements and agriculture soil amendments to end the spread of bird flu which can cross over in weakened populations of the world where selenium is deficient in the soil. This is an easy fix that can end the spread of bird flu to humans by fixing the root cause of the problem. See article–“BIRD FLU CURE FOUND”

17). Support the ban of mind control techniques and the support of private watchdog groups to monitor and expose the unethical use of mind control techniques by the rich and powerful throughout the world. See article–“MIND CONTROL: THE RICH MAN’S PUBLIC OPINION MAKER”

18). Support the end of the use of mercury in dental fillings and vaccines. Mercury is a deadly toxin hundreds of times more toxic than lead and is a major cause of suicides in teens in all countries. Mercury in vaccines including flu vaccines for children are linked to autism and elderly dementia and memory problems. Other less toxic preservatives or alternatives are readily available. Billions of dollars are needed yearly to pay for care of elderly people with memory problems, autistic children with brain damage from vaccines, and suicidal teens from these harmful effects of mercury. All this is massive profits for big businesses and companies that profit from the new diseases created by their own businesses practices and use of these toxic products. See article–“Silver Mercury Dental Fillings Link to Suicides Found”.

19). Install a well, rain barrel, and/or cistern to conserve water and provide a degree of water self-sufficiency in the coming times of great drought. Water resources are becoming increasingly concentrated in the hands of big businesses and big money. Conserve and be more self-sufficient to free yourself from the coming water shortages and massively higher costs of water planned by big business and the New World Order.

20).Install at least one compost toilet in your home to provide reduced costs of sewer bills and provide a degree of self-sufficiency. Sewer bills and payments are usually directly connected to water usage. Sewage treatment plants are big business and mostly unnecessary. Reduce or eliminate your sewer usage and stop financing big businesses. One or two compost toilets and gray water usage can totally end your dependency on local sewage treatment and provide your local environment valuable nutrients and water.

21). Install passive solar water and space heating on your home. Passive solar panels can be made for a few hundred dollars and heat your home for free saving hundreds of dollars per year. Your carbon footprint is dramatically reduced and big business does not receive 5-10% or your weekly salary in the winter to heat your home. Thousands of dollars can be saved over the life of a home making you independent of the big businesses that currently provide this for you. Invest in your future and security not theirs.

22). Buy all CFS compact florescent bulbs (daylight full spectrum is best) and/or LED light bulbs for your home and save 50% or more on your electric bill every month. Reduce your harm to the environment while saving 100% of the cost of these bulbs every 7 or 8 months. Keep these monthly saving in your pocket instead of big businesses and the electric companies yearly profits.

23).Plant dwarf fruit trees, nut trees, and berry bushes around your home or yard instead of ornamental trees and shrubs. One dwarf fruit tree can provide 2-3 bushels of apples, peaches, cherries, pears, peaches, etc. per year at maturity and peace of mind. You are reducing your grocery bills, you are eating healthier organic foods, and you are less dependent on others for your food. Anything that makes you more self-sufficient and independent is good for the environment and the world.

24).Store at least a one year supply of basic bulk foods and learn how to prepare them and use them for your family and yourself. Bulk foods are inexpensive and store well over many years. Bulk foods can provide greater self-sufficiency, peace of mind, and a hedge against higher food prices in the future that will surely come.

25). Have an organic garden of pernenial plants, vegetables, berries, fruits, nuts, etc. and uses kelp meal, fish emulsions, and other organic fertilizers to grow your own foods. It takes time and experience to grow organic and it takes time to improve your soil. Start now to eat better and be more self-sufficient from the big businesses that you are totally dependent upon for your food. And save big money on your grocery bills year round.

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