Secondary Education: Marketing Education Online

Written by admin on November 24th, 2010

The field of secondary education these days has grown in considerable proportions. The job climate is very different than 30 years ago and the education market niche or virtual online education and colleges that offer certificates and quick degrees online are riding a wave of new students. The economic conditions often dictate this wave, so in light of the recent calls of recession, for-profit schools have set up a sophisticated marketing campaign to garner as many of the new students as possible.

Marketing, especially for secondary education, is particularly lucrative from online marketing strategies. Finding and sifting through potential people who seek out the service is the grunt work of the campaign. Even though there are tons of new people looking for easy access for learning, it’s a tough game with competitors vying for pole position. These institutions use what online marketing industry aficionados call education lead management.

Education Lead Management Theory

Before some specifics are mentioned, I’ll back up and go over a little bit about what lead management is about. Lead management is a bit of a sweeping term that describes the methodologies and strategies of a series of maneuvers to gain and manage potential buyers for a company’s service or product.

In regards to secondary education you may have seen some of these strategies in the form of email spam. The emails might go over what kind of degrees a school offer, how cheap they are compared to others, and how easy they make it to achieve the degree. This is the initial stage of trying to gain leads (lead generation).

When the prospective buyer sends some form of inquiry or contact information from the lead link, then there are a few gateways that are usually managed by software. The lead is analyzed for validity, to make sure it isn’t some return spam and that the contact info isn’t bogus. When they are given a green light, they are then sorted and divvied out to the sales force appropriately who will make a follow up, usually by phone call to drive the sale in.

Education lead management programs, like many of the leading online lead business categories, are often molded to cater specifically to the market. For instance, the lead generation technique may require contact info to be entered. So the software will have a way to backtrack and take old leads to be recycled so contact information can be refreshed or buyers that declined or couldn’t obligate to pay before, may be inclined to pay now after. These are among the different methodologies that the industry needs software and staff to manage.

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