oil jobs

Written by admin on November 24th, 2010

Rig welding jobs pay about ,000 a year. This is more than double the average salary of welders in the producing industry – good news as more production jobs move overseas. Even if this can be your first oil rig job, you still have an opportunity to get hired.
The oil industry is always looking to hire qualified rig welders – the key point being’qualified’. Of course, it helps to be certified, whatever that suggests in your jurisdiction.
In the UK, some oil corporations need their welders to be licensed up to’6 GR’ by CITB ( previously known as city and Guilds ). In the US, much of your welding certification is not transferable between companies, and only lasts for six months. The exception is if you take your welding test at an accredited AWS facility.

Drilling Jobs

For another, he can tell you what sorts of welding he sometimes does on his oil rig – what sort of material, what positions, what processes, and so on and that kind of thing. This kind of info can help you to get ready for the test.

In the 1st type, you are permanently attached to the oil rig. Your job is to hold out repairs and build new metalwork. You go in when a big project should be finished swiftly.

Oil Job Search

Be warned, most oil rig roles ( including rig welder’s jobs ) are most suitable to single younger lads. They are terribly physically demanding and rather deadly. Many oil rigs are located somewhere tricky to reach, so oil rig employees are often no longer in touch with their families. Unless your girlfriend or other half is extremely understanding, you could find your relationship in trouble.

Rig welding jobs pay very well for what is fundamentally blue collar work.

oiljobcentre the best place to search for oil jobs

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