Is An Online College Education For You?

Written by admin on November 27th, 2010

Online college education refers to courses where at least 80 percent of content is distributed online. There is often no face-to-face contact involved with these degree programs. The students can work in their study time on a schedule that best fits their own schedule.

Recent advances in online education has made college degrees obtained through online study as readily accepted as college degrees earned by on campus study. On average, online courses are far more writing intensive than traditional classes have ever been. Online education also involves access to databases in the form of text files or multimedia web pages, as well as the exchange of information (e.g., assignments, course materials) via file transfers. Online education is rapidly increasing, and online doctoral programs have even developed at leading research universities.

At most online colleges course selection and enrollment are limited each semester. Course materials are required as is participation in lectures, reports and exams. Course credit and graduation diplomas awarded are considered equivalent in standard and content to a face-to-face program. Classes may include any or all types of media and access technology, and are generally classified based on the predominant mode of delivery.

Journalism courses are a popular field of online study. Courses cover everything from writing and editing to reporting and ethics. Some leading online colleges offer newsletters, blogs and other great resources. Courses must be completed within the semester time frame, although students may proceed through a course at their own rate.

By limiting courses to one semester for completion, students have an automatic deadline for course completion. This practice addresses one of the major problems of online learning which is procrastination and the forfeiting of courses because no deadlines are set by the institution. Courses are structured so that attendees can gain credits for modules that give immediate benefit in the classroom.

Colleges offer courses over the Internet and thus provide courses with tuition fees for the international market. Some colleges and universities provide campus locations, online degree programs and flexible scheduling for working students. Their campus and online degree programs often cover fields such as business and management, communications, criminal justice and security, education, general studies, nursing and health care, human services, psychology, and technology.

There is another type of online college study program that teaches students real-world skills that they can apply on the job. Online graduates of these skill set learning programs have been hired by many companies ranging from small businesses to top Fortune 500 corporations. These online degree programs are designed for maximum flexibility. Study can be at the times and places that work best for the student.

Online college education is here to stay. With the cost of on campus study skyrocketing all across the nation for many students online study becomes an attractive alternative way to obtain a college degree.

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