Get MIT Courseware and Other Courses for College Online

Written by admin on November 17th, 2010

If you need MIT courseware to complement your courses for college, you can do so by going to share course ware sites. You can get multiple courses for college from these sites that offer open courseware. Some sites offer courses for college from many great universities, including MIT courseware. These are great resources that will give you all the help you need to better understand your courses for college.


Anyone who is in college knows that it can be very difficult to attend all the classes all of the time. At times you can be sick and cannot attend classes, or you stayed late and could not make it to class. If this is the case, you can be behind your courses for college. You will need to get extra lecture notes and even video lecture to bridge what you miss. If you are going to prestigious schools like MIT, there may be even more pressure to succeed. Fortunately, the internet has made it easier for you and you can get highly quality open courseware online, including MIT courseware. You can go to share course ware sites where people share courses for college including MIT courseware.?


No matter what courses for college you are taking, you need to have good quality class materials. You may have books at your disposal, but you still have to attend classes so that you can get materials that are provided in class. If you miss lecture a few times, it can mean a lower grade point in that particular class. This is especially true in very competitive schools. You will need free lecture notes or course notes from open courseware such as MIT courseware.?


When you go to a share ware site, you can get MIT courseware that you need to make up missed lecture notes. You can look for free lecture notes good for your courses for college online. You can find good quality video lecture as well as lecture notes. Share course ware is one such resource. This and other sites will also allow you to upload your own course notes and video lecture so others can benefit from them. These open courseware sites are very similar to music sharing sites and can help you get the information you need for many of your courses for college.?


It is good to use courses for college that you find at these sites, but it is also important that you share ware with others and contribute your course notes as well. Do not just use the site for your own advantage; contribute your own courses for college. If you are an MIT student, for example, you can upload one of the MIT courseware. This can help students from other schools who may badly need these open courseware for their courses for college.?


Taking college courses can be tough, but it getting a lot easier for those who are using share ware sites. You do not have to fret if you miss a class or two these days, or you don’t have high quality course notes. You can get very similar free lecture notes for courses for college at these sites. You can find a lot of courseware from many great schools online, including MIT courseware.?

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