College Admission Process

Written by admin on November 22nd, 2010

Planning for college is one of the most exciting yet can be one of the most stressful times in a teen’s life. But before you actually move in to your new dorm, there are a lot of things have to happen first. So, what you should really know about college admission?

Searching Colleges Online

Before, searching and communicating for colleges takes real time and effort. Students are handed over with bulky college guidebooks and applications are being typed in using typewriters before mailing them to the post office. Today, with our technology, all these are just a click away. Colleges and universities have their own websites where you can check on their programs, inquire and submit applications.

However, keep in mind that not just because you saw it online means they are reliable. Not all information given by the Internet is true. You could end up reading out-of-date deadlines, programs and courses offered. Therefore, it is essential that you know how to search. Use the college-search site for starters and only use the comparative websites for general look and opinions only. ?

Don’t Judge the College by its Website

There still more than just the looks. It is true that that there are colleges which have websites that are quite extensive, explaining every detail of their offered program and courses. On the other hand, there are also those that have basic information only. A poor website only tells you that the college has not yet invested that much of time and resource for their online presence. It has nothing to do with the college’s quality itself. ?

However, there may be some exception with this rule. If you are aiming for a high tech major, then the online presence greatly tells you what they are capable of. ?

Go Undercover

Of course you need to know the requirements for the applications, the deadlines, the major activities but there’s so much things that you may want to check out! Do not settle with the information given to you at the college’s home page. ?

Browse the entire site. Check on the other tabs like the Student’s Web Page and Student Online Paper. You can also email some students studying there and determine if the college is really good as it claim. Undercover information can give you a glimpse on the hot current issues in the campus like bad food, fraternities and politics.

Application is an Application

Regardless whether it is electronic or paper, it is still an application. It would not influence the impression and decision of the admission committee. Write your application seriously.

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